About Me

My name is Amit Kaushal and welcome to my blog.

I started this blog in October 2023 and have set out on a mission to help everyone in a similar situation to myself right now. I’m currently a second year university student and have had trouble deciding what to do with my life. Do I complete my degree and work for the rest of my life? Do I drop out? Should I start a business?

I have boundless questions going through my head on a daily basis yet the answers aren’t there. What do you actually do. That’s what I truly want to figure out and I want to try and help out and encourage every single person in a similar position to me to just go out and try new things. Whether it’s starting your fitness journey, creating a brand new business, learning valuable skills and much more.

My goal is to try and prove that you can do whatever you set your mind to. I have just started this blog channel and this is completely alien to me. Yet I’m learning something new every singe day, implementing, it, failing and then trying again an again until I’m happy with the results.

Come on this journey with me, where I’ll impart everything I learn during the process of trying new experiences.

Thanks for getting this far.

Amit Kaushal